Friday, January 13, 2012

Will Using Acne Medication On My New Tattoo Harm/distort It?

396545389 I just got a tattoo done on my upper arm that covers almost my entire upper bicep. This is my first tattoo so i have no idea how to deal with this. Recently i noticed that my arm started to break out pretty bad in and around my tattoo and I don't know what to do or how to deal with it. The tattoo is only 10 days old and its just the lining so far, and a lot of the acne is inside the lining.
So my question is, can i use some kind of acne medication on my arm (i.e Proactive, Clearasil, Clindamycin) or will it do negative damage to my tattoo
NOTE: My artist did shave my arm; and the acne i'm experiencing is a mixture of whiteheads and little red bumps. It was done professionally so everything was done by the books

1 comment:

  1. ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆ - If you have a new tattoo, then you should take care of it first. Do not apply any acne medication because of the risk of irritation.

    Tattoos cannot be removed by acne medication like benzoyl peroxide. I cannot find anything regarding Clindamycin and tattoos, but likely not a problem. Speak with a pharmacist for more information.
