yesterday i posted this on here:
I went to see my doc and he thinks i have anxiety....i think hes wrong! if its anxiety why am i getting sharp pains in my heart? why is my heart rate up and down? why is my heart beat hard then other times weak? and why am i feeling dizzy etc....these are all question my doc cant seem to answer so im left to seek answers online. do you think its anxiety or something else? please leave a reply below. thanks-you :)
Prince By Tor - You sound very anxious about this.
ReplyDeleteKayla! - chest pain, dizziness, weakness, feelings of panic, cold or sweating hands/feet, shortness of breath, heart palpitations(racing heartbeat, slow heartbeat), inibility to sit still, dry mouth, numbness in hands or feet, muscle tension, and nausea are all symptoms of anxiety. If your doctor checked you out and doesn't believe it's anything more than anxiety then you need to try your best to trust them and remain calm. You're making yourself more anxious worrying about your health.