so my friend said she went to the doctor and he said she may have breast cancer and he will tell her at the end of the month... but my sister said that if you have cancer you find out then and there. i dont know honestly. we are only 13 years old so i dont know about all this. but if shes lying how do i confront her? should i ask her parents? or bring it up around them?
Melissa Mcintyre - shes probably lieing and wants attention so play along for now. then in a few weeks when it dies down confront her abt it.
ReplyDeleteZeph - They have to do some tests. They can feel a strange lump, but they have to analyze it.
ReplyDeleteZ - She's absolutely lying. The odds of her getting breast cancer at 13 are like the same as winning the lottery.
ReplyDeleteJust tell her straight-up you know she doesn't have breast cancer. Give her an out. Say maybe she found a lump or something scary and so that's why she thought she had it, but it's not actually breast cancer.
She's a drama queen.
izzy - At 13 she is highly unlikely to have breast cancer, and if there was the slightest suspicion of any malignancy she would b investigated stat, not in over 3 weeks time.
ReplyDeleteEither check with her parents - tactfully - or ask your mom to find out.
Your friend might be investigated for something different and she might have misunderstood something.
Ashley - Although very unlikely that she has breast cancer it is a possibility. I strongly reccomend that you don't confront her because if shes not lying you will lose her friendship. Just ask her a lot of questions and subtly mention it around her family. It's honestly very difficult to fake something like cancer. What is she going to do, wear a bald cap and say she's getting chemo? I sure hope not. You don't find out you have cancer right away. My guess is that she has a cyst of something in that area and they think it could be cancer.