Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What Is The Chromosomal Cause Of Diabetes?


1 comment:

  1. John W - What you expect there to be one and only one cause? There are many ways to get diabetes as there are many ways for a car to stop working, some are genetic and not all are required. Most genetic influences don't cause diabetes but make diabetes more likely.

    Type 1 is an auto-immune disorder so a strong immune system is the cause, the genes for an excessively strong immune system response may be the genetic influence. A gene in the mitochondria can slow down the production of insulin so that could be a genetic cause of some type 2 diabetics, the actual chemical code for insulin is encoded in the DNA, one mutation and the insulin may be assembled wrong and be less effective leading to type 2, the number of insulin receptors on cell walls is determined genetically, a change in those could lead to type 2 as well.

    If your car doesn't work right, can you say that it's the fault of a single spark plug? It could be any or several of thousands of parts in the car. Diabetes can be the result of one or many chromosomes out of millions, we've discovered a few and it's most assuredly more than just one and we know we have plenty more to find.
