Monday, January 16, 2012

Is Peroxide Good For Bad Breath Odor.?



  1. pasta fa zool - H2O2 is a natural whitener & cleanser. In that way it could alleviate odor, but if you use it with baking soda the baking soda will take away bad breath odor & brushing will remove plaque & tartar. It is easier to by toothpaste that contains baking soda & peroxide as well an an anti cavity & anti-plaque additive. Arm & Hammer is one such brand and it tastes good too.

  2. mascafeporfavor - Perhaps, but there are warnings about the effects if the hydrogen peroxide solution is too strong.

    If the problem is persistent and worrisome, I'd see my dentist for an exam and report my concern because there are different causes for bad breath odor. Bad breath can arise from plaque or gingivitis or health issues elsewhere in your body than your mouth. It can be due to trapped food and bacteria, so brushing your teeth and tongue and regular flossing are recommended. Dry mouth is another contributing factor which drinking lots of water can help. What you eat is a factor. Garlic gives you a temporary case of bad breath. Foods like carrots and celery help you avoid it; spearmint or parsley disguise it temporarily.
