Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cancer Cure - Is It Real?

396545116 is this for real?


  1. The Tower of Power Corp. - No and Just to get this off my chest I was the one who put the dead squirrel in your backpack. Hope you get well in Therapy.

  2. Procrastination Nation - Either this article has been published only very recently, there is an unexplained flaw in their cure, or that it is a fake. Give it a few days and if it hasn't made national news, I would assume that it is flawed/fake.

  3. Ashley - It wouldn't surprise me. Pharmaceutical companies are heartless and seek to make money from the misery of others. If this really does work then I'd expect them to fight it as it would eat into the billions they make selling chemo drugs around the world.

  4. thinkingtime - No. It isn't true. DCA is being tested as a treatment. Lots of chemicals kill cancer, the trouble is that they also kill the patient.

    DCA is being tested so that they are sure it won't kill you and I when they try it on us.

  5. JLI - Unfortunately not. That article is a prime example of misinformation, and understandably many people fall for it. That is after all what it is designed for.

    Cancer is a collective term for approximately 200 different diseases. Every cell type in your body can (in principle) develop into its own type of cancer. On top of that individual cancer cells in every cancer are also different from one another. So it is not all that surprising that we don't have, and most likely won’t find a single cure for all cancers.
    This also applies to DCA. DCA is under scientific investigation, and has shown promising results in cell cultures and rodents. But not in all cancers. In this study they found that DCA decreased rather than increased apoptosis under hypoxic conditions. This translates into that DCA protected these cancer cells instead of destroying them.

    But still the findings in cell cultures and rodents have been sufficiently promising to proceed to testing in humans.
    A study including five patients with glioblastoma multiforme (a type of brain cancer) was published in 2010: But these patients also had various other types of treatments, so the study doesn’t really say anything about the efficacy of DCA. A fairly detailed analysis of this study is presented here:

    So in short:
    1) DCA is not a cure of all cancers.
    2) Research is ongoing to find out what role DCA will have in the treatment of cancer.

  6. Over the Edge - If there is no money in producing and or perfecting this as stated in the article. The the big pharmaceutical companies would have no interest in it. Unless they could inject some "secret sauce" into the recipe that would allow them to patent the formula and make billions off the sick and dying.

  7. Patrick - its fake, think about how many different types of cancer there are, and differences in each patient. there isn't one "magic cure" that will work in every case, if it does remove cancer, it also removes a big part of the patients life

  8. april - No it's not and if you want to look up websites about cancer, make sure they are legitimate medical websites that will tell you the truth.
