I also have very low blood pressure and sometimes it takes 2 tries to find my pressure in the cuff or hear anything with the stethoscope. Knowing both this and my arrhythmia, my teacher from back then said sometimes people with arrhythmia's can feel their heart do an extra "jump" every now and then, which I did occasionally feel, but it was rare.
Lately, I have been feeling it more often. Like, every single day for the past few weeks to month, even just sitting around relaxing and I feel my heart throw in the extra kick. Is it normal for someone like me to have this increase, or should I get it looked at? I should have remembered things from my class, but I have some memory issues lately. My next doctors appointment isn't until Feb. 27th and they can't give me anything earlier. I am going to discuss this with them and show them my EKGs that were taken in the class, but does anyone think this is becoming a serious issue? Please and thanks!
Orwell - Id see a doc just to check up, but it just sounds like an escape beat to me. I have the same thing happen sometimes because of my slow heartbeat :p
ReplyDeleteJohn W - You have heard of Medical Student's Disease right? You should never diagnose yourself with information you have just learned, you will most likely make a positive judgement in the diagnosis even when there isn't one. Let your Doctor decide if you have Sinus Arrhythmia, there's a good chance that you don't.