Monday, January 16, 2012

Does Anorexia Or Very Low Weight For That Matter Have Anything To Do With Cancer?

396545116 Are they connected in any way?
Is there a coocurence?


  1. Michael - Anorexia doesn't increase the risk of getting cancer. Cancer and/or cancer treatment can cause weight loss.

  2. rami - Weight loss could be related to cancer because of cachexia or wasting of muscles and tissues, anorexia can be a symptom of almost all general illnesses.

  3. Tom - I believe it could have something to do with it because if you are malnourished then your immune system may not function properly. Here are some things I learned about cancer when I did some internet research.

    Cancer thrives in an acidic, toxic, low oxygen environment, and feeds on sugar. I believe that if a person can take away the environment that cancer needs to thrive, the body will be able to use its own defenses to kill off the cancer cells. Most, if not all of us have at least a few cancer cells in our bodies, but our immune systems can kill these cells if it is functioning properly.

    The first thing I would do to prevent cancer is try to eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables, and try to avoid eating foods that have added sugar. Organic foods do not have all those toxic chemicals sprayed on them and are grown in healthier soil, giving the food more nutrients. The body needs nutrients so the immune system can function properly. Juicing the organic fruits and vegetables can help the body get more nutrients from the food, thus boosting the immune system.

    Cutting out or drastically reducing processed and refined foods, meat, alcohol, fast foods, artificial sweeteners, and sugar (sugar contained in fruit is ok to eat) should be done to prevent cancer, because a lot of these contain toxins, make the body acidic, or provide food to the cancer cells in the form of sugar which they need to thrive.

    Exercise helps oxygenate the cells within the body as well as detoxify the body. It is a good idea to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise everyday if possible.

    Getting 8 hours of quality sleep every night is good for proper immune function and healing.

    Reduce the amount of stress in your life significantly. Stress can suppress the function of the immune system. Deep breathing and meditation can help.

    Eating foods that are high in antioxidants may prevent cancer because they can help detoxify the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that the body must get through the diet because it cannot manufacture it.

    If you are a smoker, you should think about quiting as soon as possible. There are many toxins contained in the smoke that may be carcinogenic.

    Take care and may God bless you.
