also i might be going to hawaii and so i want to be skinnier. really if i loose 30 lbs i would look ALOT better..
my question is how do i loose 30 lbs
i burn 2000 calories becuase my BRM is about 1800 and i burn additional 100 to 200 calories from 30 minutes of exersise a day. since my BRM is 1800 im eating 500 calories less there for in 7 days i will loose 1 lb plus the other exercise will hopefully add uo to 2lbs a week.
so i was wrong my BRM is 1570 so if i eat 270 calories less then that a day (1300) and burn 250 calories a day from exercising thats i total of 520 calories burned... which in a week will result in a pound of weight loss... the only thing is then i will be only loosing 4 lbs a month and therefore loosing 10 lbs in 2 months not 20 or 30 :(
Bo Bice - What's your question?
ReplyDeleteDawson - sit ups ftw
ReplyDeleteNonyo - Just don't give up and stay with your diet and excersing! Eat 5 small meals a day so your metabolism will speed up and loose it faster. Don't eat too little or your body will go into starvation mode and your body will store all the food you eat as fat because it doesn't know when the next time you eat will be. But good luck and I hope all works out for you :)
ReplyDeleteAnswer mine please?;_ylt=AmzhVcfKCtqJCNpLe7M.6ycM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20120115135056AABpsNb
Katie Price - 160 is too big for 5'1. It's good though that you are on the right track with a good diet and exercise plan.
ReplyDeleteThe most important thing is to stick to your diet because it contributes to about 80% of your success in losing weight. Also, don't be discouraged if you do not lose 30 pounds in 2 months. Average weight loss is about 10 pounds a month.
Colin - What you're doing right now is perfect. Eating 1,300 and burning 2,000. That is very good and your weight loss goals should be reached easily. Can I ask, what exercise are you doing to burn 2,000 calories?
ReplyDeleteErica - Here's what I've learned. I'm telling you this from personal experience, and it totally sounds idiotic and unethical. Lose conscienceness about it. Embed it in your mind that you are sick, very sick and ailing, and nothing looks good. Really sell it to yourself that the disease you're suffering from is making you wither and food unappetizing. I did this after a week in the hospital with gastrointestial problems, I lost 10 pounds.
ReplyDeleteWOWZA - good for you! that seems good but you gotta keep on it! don't give in to your cravings! and keep exercising!
ReplyDeleteAlana S - First, the faster you lose weight the more likely it will come right back. There have been tests on this and the finding support that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I feel losing 10 pounds in a month is slow enough for the weight to not come back. 30 pounds in 2 months is fast to lose that amount of weight.
Your basal metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns just by doing its thing) is 1470 calories. (I saw you said it is 1800, but for a 13 year old female that is 160 pounds and 5 feet 1 inch tall your BMR is 1470 you can also check that out on the calorie calculator below). So if you are not eating over 1300 calories a day you should lose weight. Because your body is going to have to get those extra calories from the fat you have to use it as energy to function. But you said you are burning 2000 calories a day. How do you know that?
I have lost 53.8 pounds but it took me from April of last year until now to do it by eating right and exercise. And I feel much better about myself. But I feel better about losing it slower because there is less of a change of the weight coming back.
You can use this calorie calculator to find out how many calories you need to lose weight for your exercise level.
I find it helpful to write down every single thing I eat. Even ketchup. And write down how many calories are in it. Remember when reading how many calories are in something to check the serving size. It might say 200 calories and that sounds good, but it is says half of whatever it is, it might not sound so good then.
And if you can't find the calories for something you can use this website to find them.
I am not sure what you are doing for exercise, but what I did was walk. I know it might not sound like much but it does burn calories. You can find out how many calories you can burn walking for an amount of time here with this tool.
And lastly, any boy that wouldn't think you are pretty because of 30 pounds is a jerk and you shouldn't waste your time on him. I am 26 years old. And I have been with the same person since I was in 12th grade. And he knew me when I was 128 pounds, and he has seen me at my heaviest at 209 pounds. And he never made me feel like I was not pretty. So like I said wait for the one that will love you for you, not just want you because of how you look.
Good luck!
You are being too mathematical about this. Your body does not run on mathematics. Just eat right (lower calories like you have) and exercise you will lose so many pounds this week and so many the next. It isn't like you are going to lose 1 pound every week. Or JUST 1 pound every week. Trust me it isn't a mathematical as you are making it out to be. Some weeks you lose more, some you lose less.
The Atkins diet for a 13 year old? John M I don't think that is healthy. She's 13.
john M - You can LOSE 30 POUNDS EASY!
ReplyDeleteThe first week you will lose possible 20pounds then goes on to about a pound a day.
Atkins diet - I was 360 pounds lost 170 pounds now 190. It keeps you eating smaller meals in some ways. No flower switch to a seed oil an no coconut or vegetable oil. You start out the first week 20 carbs a day then after two week 45carbs a day an you do not have to work out till weight loss slows down. No sugar No milk an you need multivitamin very little fruit you can have red grapes. Then you need to switch to candy that has sugar alcohol not regular sugar. You can have a lots of meat and a little vegetables. No potato's it turns into sugar and no rice. You can have cheese , butter, red meat fish as much as you can eat but limit your vegetables an drink diet. Hey taco shells an corn tortilla have 3 carbs you can eat tacos and enchiladas. Yes the first two weeks suck but after 2 weeks on 20 carbs you move to 45 an wow your use to it. Your cholesterol goes down even with this diet.
Do not for get to have three meals or more read the carbs. Every fat person say I only eat once and i will lose weight. A thin person eat 4,5,6 times a day.Do not for get you can eat a whole turkey, 20 pound steak , 20 pound ham and some vegetables. Meats are low in carbs. Low fat bar other than Atkins are made with sugar . Look at the labels and serving size. Most health foods are a lie. This runs on carbs do not look at calories.
The first 1 weeks will suck but possible 20 pound loss I did.
There will happen after around six months a plateau you will need to work out then lower your carbs
Once you have made it don't pop open the ice cream and real candy or you will regret it.