Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Signs/symptoms Of Breast Cancer?



  1. well wisher - Breast Cancer symptoms vary widely - from Lumps to Swelling to skin changes - and many breast cancers have not obvious symptoms at all. Symptoms that are similar to those of Breast Cancer may be the result of non-cancerous conditions like infection or a cyst also.
    Many of the breast cancers are diagnosed much earlier than they can produce any symptoms. Routine use of mammogram helps women to identify the breast cancer long before it can cause any symptoms. In the early stages breast cancer may be asymptomatic and women may notice only a breast lump. As the breast cancer progresses the cancer cells can invade in to the surrounding normal structures and other distant organs and this may lead to development of symptoms. Any one or more of the following may occur during various stages of progression of breast cancer.

    * A lump (mass) in the breast, these lumps are most commonly painless (or as a matter of fact any other part of the body)
    * Swelling or thickness of the breast
    * Redness, swelling and or pain in the breast
    * Lump in the arm pit area due to the spread of breast cancer to the lymph nodes in that area
    * New mole or an obvious change in the appearance of an existing wart or mole
    * Areas of warmth or redness in the breast
    * Development of asymmetry of the breast
    * Inversion or changes in the appearance of the nipple
    * Flattening or indentation on the skin of the breast. This may indicate a change in the underlying structures.
    * Scaling or redness or a change of color or texture of the skin of the breast or Areola (such as dimpling, puckering, or scaliness)
    * Unusual dimpling in the breast which may indicate adhesion to underlying structures
    * Discharge from the breast or nipple. This can be clear, dark or bloody in nature.
    * Burning, itching or scaling of nipples.
    * Pain or tenderness in the breast or underarm area. If this does not relive over time possibility of breast cancer should be considered
    * Infection or inflammation of breast
    * Development of breast abscess
    * Bone pain may occur during the late stages of breast cancer due to involvement of bone
    * Change in the mental status, seizure, and neurological events can occur in the late stage of the disease due to involvement of brain or spinal cord
    * Jaundice may occur in the later stages of breast cancer due to the involvement of liver or surrounding structures.
    * Chest pain and difficulty in breathing may occur in the late stages of the disease due to involvement of lung and surrounding structures

  2. Rachel Brooks - Breast cancer may not cause any of these symptoms. Some do. Here's the symptoms: swelling of all or part of the breast
    skin irritation or dimpling
    breast pain
    nipple pain or the nipple turning inward
    redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
    a nipple discharge other than breast milk
    a lump in the underarm area
