I have a horrible canker sore in an awful spot in my mouth. It is on my cheek, tucked in that little crevice behind my gums and back molar (top left). I have tried orajel, canker cover, hydrogen peroxide mixed with water, baking soda and water, putting an aspirin directly on it, swishing with mouthwash, salt water, and salt directly on it and it will NOT go away. It's been over a week and I can barely talk, drink, eat or swallow. Does anyone have any other ideas? I am not going to buy anything else because I've already spent over $20 trying to treat this. I found that I have some Silver Sulfadiazine in my medicine cabinet. I have read you can put silver nitrate on it-could I use this as well?
Ant Coseo - All I can say is buy stuff to treat it