Hi, my dad, 55y, was recently diagnosed with heart dysfunction. He gets cough when he sleep. This cough is not continuous but it will happen time to time throughout the time he sleeps (or lays flat). His feet are a little swollen. Recently we came to know he is diabetic. The 2D echo shows his LV functions 20%. Doctors has advised him for angiogram. He is quiet well now, but we dont want go through angiograpy. Is there any way to treat his respiration-cum-cough problem??
Additional Information:
He dont take alcohol, didnt smoke.
We dont have any family history of heart disease.
Now he is taking the following medicines
Clopovis AS
Dytor Plus 20
Arginine Powder (ARG 9)
And other misc tablets include Vitamin tablets, Rabicib, Daibeties tablets
Is there any other treatment in Unani, Homeopathy, Accupressure, Ayurveda, Accupuncture, Yoga etc.?? And where to contact?
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ReplyDeletehe is suffering heart failure , he is already on diurtics, i suggest to add lasix.
Aldectone if his kideny and pottasium are noraml and no gyncomastia,
lanoxin also added
apart from these you may try cardiac resynchriziation thearpy if his ECG showes QRS prolonged discuss this with cardiologist or electrophysilogist
i am planning write artcle on heart failure recently on blog