Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When People Grind Their Teeth In Their Sleep, Do They Grind Their Front Teeth?

396545381 my sister 'used to' suffer from an eating disorder, and i think she still is. her teeth have become shortened at the front, which i asked her about, as i thought it was from vomiting, but she says its just from grinding her teeth at night, which i know she does.
"just bec......" the acids in vomit affect teeth. they can shorten and shrink, so they appear gappy.


  1. miranda - Grinding is usually molars, but depending on how her teeth lay she could be grinding down her front teeth as well.

  2. stillbecky2000 - Miranda's answer was right but also it depends on how much jaw movement she is doing. A large movement will encompass the front teeth, a smaller movement will center on one small space. But that still depends on how her jaw is made.
    Besides an eating disorder won't make your teeth smaller.

  3. katie - Get her a grind guard, then if her teeth are still becoming Smaller, it's because of vomiting

  4. Youn Song - If they sleep like that. My front teeth and bottom teeth are not able to touch, so it depends..
