Friday, January 13, 2012

Gestational Diabetes?

396545384 So yesterday i took the 1 hour glucose test and i found out that i have gestational diabetes. this is my second baby and with my first i never had this complication so im not quiet sure what to expect. i have a few questions.....

1) i have to go in for my 3 hour test on friday, what are the chances of that one coming out good and saying i dont have gestational diabetes?
2) can this harm my baby if i do have it?
3) is it true that if you have this your baby may come out larger than usual?
4) what are the chances of me getting induced earlier than my due date?
5) do you dr monitor you closely when you have this?

any information would be a great help. i have been researching online as well.


  1. seethepositive - yes the dr should monitor it. you will have to watch what you eat and yes be more careful.

  2. dahozho - All good questions. You didn't mention your 1-hour tolerance reading or how many weeks you are.

    I was diagnosed very early-- 12 weeks, spilling protein and 1-hour tolerance was over 180. My ob immediately referred me to perinatologists, who took the lead in managing my GD.

    The important thing to remember is that you are managing this condition for both you and the baby, but proper management is extremely important for the baby. If you have GD, they may have you try to control it through diet for a week. My perinatologists had me checking my blood sugars 1 hr after meals, and at wake-up. Diet control didn't do it for me, and even on glyburide (oral med.) I had to take the diabetic diet and cut carbs from that to keep my sugars under control. If I had any cravings, I ignored them-- I was focused on my child's health & development. I ate lots of veggies, lean meat, eggs, yogurt and *very* limited amounts of whole grains.

    Usually, GD shows up around week 24-- your drs will have been monitoring you and if you have GD it shouldn't have been going on for long enough to harm the baby. You need to control your blood sugars now in order to keep GD from harming the baby.

    If you have GD, they will, other potential complications aside, want you to go as long as possible, as GD may effect lung development. (It was a real balancing act for me, as I was pre-eclamptic at the end and had my section 3 days earlier than scheduled.) My son was perfectly healthy and under the weight they estimated. Controlling your blood sugar will help keep the baby's weight from getting out of control. They'll test your baby's blood sugars at birth and for the next 48 hours to make sure everything is ok with the baby.

    I saw either my ob or the perinatologists weekly throughout my pregnancy, and sent my blood sugar readings to the nurse on a weekly basis. By the end, I was seeing my ob 2x week, but that was because of other complications.

    Afterwards, you get six weeks without diabetes monitoring, and then another tolerance test to see how you're tolerating carbs again.

  3. ....... - Hello!

    My mother had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with me and now I'm in college, so first just take a deep breath and relax.

    Here's what happened to my mother (and me):

    I was born prematurely (not life threateningly early) and definitely not large, both of my lungs collapsed and I had to go into surgery immediately but I pulled through. This, I believe, was due to my premature birth. Because of this I had asthma until the age of 11, then it went away and my lungs became stronger. (this was not a big deal it all, the only time I really needed an inhaler was when I was sick).
    The doctors did monitor closely and now my mother is regularly tested for diabetes (which 20 years later at 50 she still does not have).

    I do have type 1 diabetes, which was diagnosed at age 16. However when I was diagnosed all the doctors said it most likely was from my fathers side of the family, as my grandma had the autoimmune gene. (Type 1 is autoimmune). They didn't seem to interested in the fact that my mother had gestational diabetes while carrying me.

    The point is, even if my story is alarming to you, I'm fine! My parents did volunteer work overseas in South East Asia until I was 7, then we moved to New York, now were in Cali, and next year me and my friend are moving to Chiang Mia, Thailand for a year then to Costa Rica. I'd say my life has been pretty full, healthy, and happy, and I'm sure your baby's will be too.

    Good Luck!

  4. Cammie - 1- ???
