Friday, January 13, 2012

Why Am I Having Heart Palpitations?

396545385 I've been having bad anxiety for 3 days now my heart rate has been high for the 3 days and I think it's finally starting to slow down but I'm havin palpitations now is that normal like is it just getting used to being normal again??? Please help, anything I can do to stop the palpitations, I can feel my heart skip a beat or flutter. Please help.


  1. Rachel - you don't want answers from people that aren't cardiologists, go to one as soon as this holiday is over, they might give you an echocardiogram, heart monitor and/or a stress test

  2. - tretament for palpitaions depends on the undwerlying condition responsible. but more often palpitaions are bengin lead to no consequences. but this can said, only after exmining the patient properly.

    to know more about palpitaions your can read this article i thinkf it will help you

    with regards from

  3. Kinley - Hai there, consult a doctor. when i had the same problem, i went in for a doctor's advise, who took EKG, listened to my heart beat and lungs and prescribed me with toprol xl 25 mg for a month. now i am quite normal.
