i am an 18 year old male, and i recently went to the doctor to check up on some slight nausea issues i have been having. I've had them for years, but it was always diagnosed as anxiety or acid reflux, or even H. Pylori (which i did in fact have). During this visit, the doctor told me i had a heart murmur, and had me take an EKG and chest x-ray. The chest x-ray came back negative (i dont know what that means) but the EKG showed that i had a slight enlargement of my heart, which i think is called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Im going in for an echo-cardiogram on the 13th, but i have a few questions. Can my heart problems be linked to my stomach issues? also, a lot of times when i sit down, i can feel my heart beating in my head and i can even hear it. Is this a symptom, or am i just crazy? Also i would like to give my best wishes out to everyone else on these boards (and everywhere for that matter) who are suffering from any type of heart disease. Thanks : D
he dog - slight enlargement of your heart huh?.. yea thats what cardiomyopathy does. if its the hypertrophic which usually happens to young folks then you could possible be fu*ked but the other cardiomyopathys you can live a long time depending how you take care of yourself. i always knew i had something work with my heart since i was about 12, when i would run sometimes i couldn't catch my breath to the point where i thought i was going to die on the spot. then when i was 25 i always felt tired like i was carrying somebody on my back all day and short of breath they thought i had asthma, i would go back to the doctor and say this med dont work (asthma med) finally he took a listen and sent me to a heart doctor found out i had cardiomyopathy at that time i took one pill a day and drank and smoked (ciggs) because i felt good. i dont do it no more but the point is i've had it for 18 years, dude im 43 now. i take 5 pills now. how am i doin? lets put it like thisi have a 18 year old in the marines, and i have a 2 year old with a new wife and also a daughter thats going to be born next month. try to stay on a vegan diet. i try to do raw vegan and green juicing but eating some reg food once in a blue moon, for that day that it! take care of yourself and good luck! oh & by the way yes your heart can affect your stomach as well with the stomach issues to asked about.