Sunday, January 1, 2012

How Can I Tone My Abs To They Are Super Flat?

396545382 What are some ways to tone up my abs? I don't have a lot of excess fat I just need to tone a little more. I eat very healthy and im a 13 year old girl. What are some good exersizes and when will I start to see results?
No I don't want a six pack or anything! Haha just some definition and for them to be flatter.


  1. jane fisher - Well I have a pilates cardio board and that works my abs and my back but i'm 36. You could do sit ups.

  2. Jessa - Try weight lifting but you're a girl, you don't need super huge boy abs. You don't need abs at all. But you can try lifting weights if you would like. Good luck :)

  3. ME - first off, stop drinking sodas and cut down on salt. They will make you look bloated Then do 250 sit ups 3 times a day, plank for 2 minutes five times a day. You could also look up something called 10 minute abs, it really helped me.
    *Good luck, I bet you will look amazing!*

  4. Minnie - Since you already eat healthy and don't have a lot of excess fat, try
    hula hooping!

  5. NicoleeLuvvYueeyy♥ - Hiii! I'm 13, 125lbs, and 5'4. I've lost 22lbs so far. I'm trying to reallly tone up as well. I started doing this, it works. Lol
    •25 bicycle crunches.
    •25 regular crunches.
    •20 leg lifts.
    •15 squats.
    •15 jump squats.
    •30 second wall sit.
    •15 pushups.
    •(5-8lb weights)50 bicep curls.
    •20 eagles. (put arms on side, lift both up (still on your side.. It should look like this -|-, lol then put them back down, repeat 20x.)

    Stretch before these workouts for lean, pretty muscles instead of short and stocky ones.
    Cardio 3x a week to burn your excess fat, good luck !
