Saturday, January 14, 2012

Foods To Recover Anemic?

396545384 how to improve my health since i am anemic


  1. ? - I take iron pills, and eat a bowl of Special K cereal every morning. The whole goal is to keep your iron in check. If it falls to low you get dizzy, nauseasted (I think I spelt that wrong lol), you become incoheirent and the list goes on. It happened to me so now I make sure I take my meds EVERY SINGLE DAY!

  2. Shergill - Hi Bir,

    Without knowing the cause of your anaemia it is not possible to recommend an appropriate intervention. Here are some of the causes of anaemia, each is managed differently: Aplastic anaemia, haemorrhagic anaemia, nutritional anaemia (lack of iron, or vit. C)

  3. b_bardi99 - liver is good,broccoli is good, cream of wheat is good.
    or just take Proferrin(i think its the best iron pill)
    if you are vegetarian,or hate liver:take iron.

  4. Li - Treatment through Diet for Anemia
    An anemia diet is a meal plan that contains iron-rich food sources as well as iron supplements, along with foods that help in absorbing iron.

    Those who wish to follow this meal plan must concentrate on consuming iron-rich foods, iron supplements as well as foods that enhance iron absorption. They will also have to avoid the consumption of those foods that are known to inhibit iron absorption. Below we provide you with lists of each of these food groups.

    Foods that are Rich in Iron
    1. Heme Iron Foods

    These are the foods that contain the ‘heme iron’ which is present in the animal products. It can be easily soaked up by the body. Examples of foods that are rich in heme iron are given as follows.

    Chicken liver
    Beef liver
    Sardines, shellfish, and fish
    2. Non-Heme Iron Foods

    These are the foods that contain the ‘non-heme iron’ which is present in the plant products as well as in milk, meat and eggs. It cannot be easily soaked up by the body. Examples of foods that are rich in non-heme iron are given as follows.

    Green leafy vegetables
    Enriched breakfast cereals
    Pumpkin seeds
    Cooked lentils and beans
    Baked potato
    Enriched pasta
    From the above info, it can be concluded that the foods having high iron content are not necessarily the best sources of it. For example, soybeans, by weight, have twice the iron content of beef, but only around 7% of the iron in soybeans is absorbed. Similarly, not all the iron content in spinach (an iron-rich food source) is absorbed by the body.

    As the non-heme iron foods cannot be easily absorbed by the body, they must be consumed with foods that boost iron absorption (given below) in order to have effective absorption. For example, grains and legumes, including soybeans can be consumed with vitamin C for proper iron absorption.

    Foods that Boost Iron Absorption
    Foods rich in vitamin C and citric acid such as oranges
    Fruits such as cantaloupes, strawberries, and grapefruits
    Vegetables such as broccoli, tomato, brussels sprouts, and red and green peppers
    Salmon and some other kinds of fish
    Wheat germ
    Foods that Inhibit Iron Absorption
    Foods that contain high amount of minerals like zinc, calcium, copper, and magnesium, as these minerals compete with iron for their absorption
    Foods that contain high amount of fiber
    Legumes, grains, and other plant foods, as they contain phytic acid
    Eggs, both the whites and the yolks, as they contain egg proteins
    Tea, as it contains tannic acid
    Some herbs, including chamomile and, peppermint
