Saturday, January 14, 2012

Could My Mum Have Cancer?

396545116 A year ago i found a letter from the cancer place for a scan (just a routine check) and she never went i never thought anything of it until now. she has had a few health problems anomia on her lung (witch is getting better) a thyroid problem (its now under control) but now she has a real bad cough and the doctor are doing blood test but they have not said anything about cancer and she as had blood test after blood test but does it mean she might have cancer? please im desperate to know :(


  1. Merce - no it dosent one is just to check the other is to count the red and wight blood cells or to check for diseases or other blood problems... i know how it feels i have family and Friends with it....

  2. Celeste - Yes, she could have cancer.

  3. Shih Tzu - Anyone could have cancer. Tests are usually performed to rule out something serious like cancer. If you are concerned, ask her about it. I'm sure she will tell you the truth. God Bless you both.

  4. Denisedds - If you are really "desperate to know " ask her.
