Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Woke Up With A Swollen Uvula?

396545383 i woke up with a swollen uvula (the thing that hangs down in the back of the throat) this morning, and it is very uncomfortable. i also have had mono for the past week or so, is this a normal symptom? ive researched a little online and it seems that the cause is dehydration...which would make sense because i havent been drinking that much water, even though i should, because my throat hurts so much i can barely drink it.
so is this anything i need to worry a lot about? anything i should do besides try to drink more water?



  1. CJ - I'm not an expert but I would try to bear through drinking more water, and if it doesn't disappear within a few days, go see your GP.

  2. Ken G - By now you should know that a case of mono debilitates the body. To recover from the weakness requires a period of restful living and good healthy food.for maybe three weeks. You don't mention fever so you are probably getting over the condition. Drink plenty of liquids to flush out the body. Find a way to drink liquids until the urine is crystal clear. That will probably be 3 or 4 quarts a day. Pure water is much better than carbonated beverage.

  3. Freman - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.
