Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Long Do Stitches In Your Mouth Take To Dissolve?

396545381 i just got my wisdom teeth pulled and i was wondering how long the stitches will take to dissolve


  1. Hailey - Anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Although in my experience it takes about 8-10 days for them to dissolve completely.

  2. Markela - Grr. Just got that done for the second time too not very pleasant . My past ones took about a week to 10 days. Hope you feel better

  3. Schuyler - I had two extra baby teeth extracted from under my adult teeth. The stitches I had started basically disintegrating aftr a week but I played with em and they just fell out and the doctor said it was fine. I'd say 7-15 days or so.

  4. Powl - It will take minimum 6 days and maximum two weeks to dissolve.
