Thursday, December 29, 2011

Does Anyone Know Of Any Effective Cures For Fibroids?

396545116 I was diagnosed with multiple fibroids back in September, and I have been trying to find a way to get rid of them since. My doctor put me on birth control to help with the pain, but instead my firbroids grew more so I stopped taking the pill. The pain actually went away until a few days ago. I discovered Firbrovin and Fibrovera online and they are supposed to help shrink the fibroids? I just curious if this is safe because my doctor told me there were no medicine specifically for fibroids.


  1. Daniel - I haven't heard of any. In severe problems, surgery is indicated. 80% of fibroids are benign.

  2. Gilda - Trust your doctor, there are no medicines that help. Surgery is the best way to get rid of them. Ask your doc what he recommends. I had a total hysty and am great!
