Friday, December 30, 2011

How Can I Tell Someone I Am Going To Throw Up?

396545383 I might throw up pretty soon, I'm at school, and what are some of the signs I can give that I am going to do that?


  1. Mary Kontrarry - Take a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. Write on it: I am going to throw up. I am going to the nurse's office.
    Give the note to your teacher and run to the nurse's office.

  2. Audrey Zerance - Cover your mouth with your hand and say, "I'm gonna be sick"
    Run out of the room.

  3. Lili - wave ur hands around anda in the area f ur mouth+throat

    and den u run 2 da bsathrom

  4. Doc - Make sure you wear a green shirt, it's the universal color of vomit. Don't where any flashy hats, they distract bystanders from the fact that you're going to vomit. Using your left hand, cup your ear and make a circular motion around your bellybutton. People should figure out what's going on PRETTY quickly! Hope that helps!

  5. 666 - you could throw up on them then i'm pretty sure they would understand.
