Every time the season changes, i experience devastating allergy symptoms. Its pretty much everything combined: congestion, sneezing, runny nose, headache, sore throat, etc. It starts off with a sore throat, then eventually attacks my nasal area and now i feel like death. I've pretty much taken every antihistamine, as they are ineffective to me. I've tried eating tomato soup which usually cures my mild allergy symptoms, but these seasonal allergies are a killer. Hot baths dont work, cold and cough syrups are useless, and so is everything else. Anyone have any ideas how to cure or even ease my allergy symptoms? Anyone who has experienced them knows how hellish it can be to have to have a tissue by your side 24/7. Its stressful, painful, and just annoying. Please, any
help is appreciated.
Also, I have tried that airbourne stuff which has like 1500% viamin c, and that simpy doesnt work either.
TiP - I have horrible hay fever in the spring..I went to the doctor he offered me a solution..what they do is inject you with what ever you're allergic to until your body creates antibodies..the bad thing is you have to go 2 times a week for months..I didn't do it