Friday, December 30, 2011

Am I Fat, I Feel Like I Am!?

396545382 I am 13 yrs old
I am 5'2.5
I weigh 126 pounds
I lost 10 pounds...But do I need to lose more?
My weight goal is 106 pounds.


  1. Joseph - Your not fat but your weight range is higher than it should be at 13 and stop worrying just excercise dayly and you'll be fine

  2. Mellie - You are perfect<3 Just be happy, and don't worry.

  3. Kimberly - Maintain your diet and work out beast mode

  4. Natalie - Oh, no, you're not overweight at all!

    In fact, you are right in the middle of the healthy weight range. If you want to calculate something like this, look up a BMI calculator. It's a tool that doctors use to determine whether or not someone is overweight.

    Actually, if you lose 20 more pounds, you will probably become underweight. And that's not a good thing. As long as you make an effort to eat right and stay active, you'll be absolutely fine :)

  5. ★♥ - Nope. You sound perfectly healthy to me!

  6. Tessa - Hon, it could be way worse. Your weight is perfectly normal. Always remember, that you're beautiful on the inside AND out. Hope you reach your goal and are happy with your weight :)

  7. Polka Dotz - ur fine and dont listen to anybody who says so be happy with who u are. we often pay attention to our imperfections i know how u feel. instead try to find what u like about urself, this always helps me :)

  8. delannie - i'm 13 5'5 and 129 so your weight is ok as long as there isn't alot of junk food that you are eating then your ok. just stay active in sports and at home excersize is good as long as it's a daily thing. but do not worry about being fat just stay active like i said :)
