I am new to diabetes just stated insulin about year ago.I got a abscess on my buttock I showed the doctor he said yep its a part of diabetes to keep my levels good and I wont get any and said my painful abscess didn't need lancing.In pain over a month it got so big it just pop-ed one day while I was laying on my bed.It pop-ed blood no other fluid and continued to bleed allot.I went to the hospital blood running down my leg and a doctor cut it open after two pain shots and drained it he said it was mostly blood and a small amount of pus.He packed it and told me go have a surgeon look at it in few days,so I did.The sergeon said keep packing come back in two weeks.I went back in 2 weeks and he said stop packing he stuck q-tip in it said no puss so just keep clean let cut close.I been keeping my levels good and cut clean covered and I know it will take while heal.Its been almost three months cut is closed and where it was cut left a dent in middle of the suposed abcess and on one side of the cut is a small hole it is where im still getting pus and blood allot drainage still like it emptys and fills back up over and over it still hurts they say abcesses dont hurt but I've been in pain for months and draining.Im so sick and tired of it and it doesnt act like a abcess that because of drainage they will want cut again somthing i cant take going thru it hurt and still hurts.Why do diabetics get abcesses how do you know thats what it is and is there a way to cure this with out re cuttin and avoid abcesses from coming back?ive done everything sitz,peroxide,keep a never ending supply of bandaids its in a area hurts sit on toliet and very close to my anus and hemroids not easy go bathroom it first popped 9-23 its 12-13
Jessica - Bacteria and yeast and fungus organisms love the sugar in our blood. Diabetics not only tend to have high blood sugar, if we aren't careful, but we are also very slow to heal. There's an explanation for the slow healing, and if you're interested you can do some research, but as a diabetic, you need to just acknowledge this and be ready to take extra care when you have a wound or a sickness.
ReplyDeleteTo help heal and prevent abscesses, make sure you eat right. Don't just stay within your calorie limits, make sure that you eat a healthy, balanced diet, and take vitamin pills if you think you aren't eating right. This advice comes right from a wound care specialist that I saw. Also, you'll get some pain relief from a warm compress, which can be a heating pad or hot water bottle. Or you can get a washcloth wet with hot water, wring it out, and apply to the abscess. Keep it on the abscess until it cools. Do this three or four times a day. This helps a LITTLE bit with the pain, and it also helps draw the toxins out. That sounds old fashioned, but it's what doctors have told me. And make sure to take any antibiotics as directed. Make sure you read the instructions very carefully. With some, you need to take them with food, some on an empty stomach, and some can't be taken with dairy or any food containing Vitamin D.
And whoever said that abscesses don't hurt is a liar. Liar, liar, LIAR. I've had various types of pain, and abscesses are extremely painful, no matter where they are.
Noccie - it's probably a pilonidal cyst. You should talk to a dermatologist about it. Even with diabetes, it shouldn't take so long to resolve.
ReplyDeleteAnna E - Having diabetes, I am surprised that you have not been referred to a wound care specialist. Are you being treated by a family physician or do you see an endocrinologist for your diabetes care? If you are not being treated by an endocrinologist, you need to find one to go to for your diabetes care. Family physicians are not incompetent but any one with type 1 diabetes, especially if they are having complications like wounds that are slow to heal, need to be treated by a specialist. Having a wound that is still open increases the risk of infection.
ReplyDeleteJohn W - I don't think the abcess is due to the diabetes, it's just that a diabetic's immune system would be less able to deal with them. They say that if you're diabetic then any boils or abcess should be seen by a medical professional. What he probably meant by it didn't need lancing was that it didn't need lancing yet as it has to be soft and ready to be drained for lancing. You probably should've had a repeat visit to the Doctor before it popped. I'm surprised he didn't prescribe some general antibiotics, they may not be enough but should help as it's a bacterial infection.
ReplyDeleteYou'll probably want to step up your cleaning a bit perhaps with anti-bacterial soaps to prevent boils in the future. Meanwhile, perhaps you can cover the area with something like Polysporin or Neosporin, maybe with the painkiller to help with the pain and take some Tylenol. I like covering the cotton pad of a bandaid with Polysporin with the pain killer.
buffalo - May people without diabetes get Abcesses..
ReplyDeleteMuch ta do about diabetics not healing rapidly. Not so it you have control. Seems normal progress that you have.
I would also wash instead of wiping..
Take care