recently i had my dental check up and my doc said two of my front tooth are large compared to others and is slightly protruding too.He said just putting braces wont do any good and suggested he would remove four of my upper molar teeth for the procedure. I was shocked to hear because i have naturally good tooth alignment. (Since last year my teeth has been protruding). Do i need to undergo the treatment?And have heard normally doctors dont suggest putting on braces unless its that worse.if any of the doctors in here or someone who have undergone this treatment could guide me?...
Dr. SAU - if ur front teeth r protruding so much,then go 4 trtmnt, bcoz during ur age process it vl protrude more n more,through out ur life,nd earlier loss of teeth can occour,dnt worry about 4 teeth extraction,its a part of treatment..i m a dentist nd i m taking that treatment nd i also extracted 4 teeth.if ur teeth r nt giving so much prblem,then leave it...