Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Will I Grow Any Taller?

396545382 I am 21 year old and I'm 5'6". I am Asian if that matters at all in this situation. Will drinking milk helps me grow any taller? I just want to be a few inches taller so I can play better in football being a WR. Thanks all!


  1. Kaylee - 5 WAYS TO GROW TALLER
    #1 Stretching exercises

    #2 Supplements
    grow taller:

    #3 Human Growth Hormone
    and time.

    #5 Human Growth Hormone Stimulators
    Human growth hormone stimulators are amino acid combinations that naturally force the pituatary gland into making human growth hormone. This procedure is effective and much safer than expensive synthetic growth hormone. There are no negative side-effects since your body makes hgh naturally.

    In particular, effective stimulators come in liquid form. Results take time and positive side-effects also occur. Usually, a decrease in fat deposits and increased metabolism, are the positive side-effects.

    The problem with human growth hormone stimulators is that they are only effective on younger individuals below an average 28 years of age.

    Pros: Grow taller, up to two inches. Take anywhere anytime. Decreased fat deposits. Increased metabolism.

    Cons: Works on younger individuals mostly.

    Combining Methods For Maximum Height Increase
    If you want to increase your height quickly and permanently you need to combine at least two of the methods described above.

    For example, by combining stretching exercises with Growth Enhancer Plus™ you will increase height faster. Also, it will take you less of an effort to grow taller. If it takes three months to grow one inch of height then it will take only two if you combine the exercises with our supplements.

    Remember, height increase is possible at any age but some methods are better than others. However, all do require a physical, emotional, and financial effort.

    Ask yourself this question: How much is height worth to me? In the long run studies show that every additional inch of height increases your chances for financial success as well as relationships with the opposite sex!

  2. We're all mad here. - drinking milk or anything else won't make you grow taller sorry but it doesnt work like've probably stop growing by now tho oh and merry xmas champ!
