Saturday, December 31, 2011

Can You Have Diabetes Without Excessive Thirst?

396545384 I know one of the symptoms is excessive thirst but for me I urinate 20-30 times a day and am dehydrated in the mornings, i drink once every few hours but don't feel thirst ever, so does this mean there's no chance I'm diabetic?


  1. Stephen - You're urinating often because the sugar is sucking the hydration out of your cells.... 1.) urinating more than 10 times a day can signify a problem 2.) You don't have to be thirsty to be dehydrated.... I would look up the symptoms of Diabetes if I were you and if you have 2 or more of these symptoms..>I would call your doctor... Type 1 diabetes: •Frequent urination
    •Unusual thirst
    •Extreme hunger
    •Unusual weight loss
    •Extreme fatigue and Irritability
    Type 2 diabetes: Any from type 1
    •Frequent infections
    •Blurred vision
    •Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
    •Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet
    •Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections

    I wish you luck and hope the best for you~

  2. Noccie - It's possible, but unlikely. You need to see a urologist to find out why you are urinating so much.

  3. John W - With diabetes, you urinate because your kidneys are trying to remove the excess glucose in your blood. You're thirsty because you are losing a lot of water with the urinating. If you happen to keep up with your fluid loss then you won't be thirsty so yes it's possible to not be thirsty as long as you're getting enough water so a lack of thirst doesn't mean you don't have diabetes. As to whether or not you're diabetic, ask a Doctor
