Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How Do It Put On Weight?

396545382 Hey ,
Im a guy and im quite skinny.I want to put some weight on but i dont know how.
I try to eat heathy but still no change.
Please can somebody give me some tips or steps on what i should do
Thanks ;)


  1. azbzczz - Eat Loads (.i.e junk food) and Less Exercise (.i.e be less active)

  2. smalltowngirl0425 - bulk up. Lift weights and take protein powder. Im not entirely sure. Get p90x i know that works

  3. j0lly1 - Sadly, eating healthy is probably the reason you are still skinny (me as well).

    If you want to gain weight you need to eat lots of carbohydrate, protein and fat rich food. Fast food covers pretty much all of those, but if you want to stay healthy try stuff like pastas, etc..

  4. your great granpa - try cutting out gluten and dairy. In some people these can interfere with absorption of nutrients.
    Get enzymes such as Jarro-Zyme to help with food digestion.
