Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Im Getting My Wisdom Teeth Out Tommarow. Advice Please!?

396545381 Im getting my wisdom teeth taken out at 10 am. Im getting put under an iv sedation. should i eat befor the surgery? How will i be after the surgery? What can i eat afterwords. Im nervous and i kind of dont want to do it..


  1. Ben Dean - Don't eat for three hours! But they should do this one side at a time. So you can eat other side if mouth for few days.

  2. Dunia - Well I don't really know but my sister told me that after she got them taken out it hurts soooo bad and your face gets soooo puffy. Also when they're taking the teeth out the tooth usually breaks and they have to pull the pieces one by one out of your mouth, or so I've heard. Not trying to scare you or anything, goodluck ;)

  3. KarateGuy - It really isnt that bad.
    Eat a light breakfast (I think 4 hours before... ask your surgeon!) like yogurt and a granola bar.
    You will be sore and your face will be a bit "puffy"
    Its really hard to eat any hard foods.... So you get Ice cream and Jello and all that fun stuff!

    Just dont let your family bring a video camera and you will be fine!

  4. komal - you should have nice heavy food before extraction. as after surgery u wont be able to eat any thing hard for that day. after half an hour of surgery eat an icecream. and put nice ice pack after surgery to prevent any swelling on the face unless your surgeon is putting u on corticoteroid.star warm saline gargles 24 hours after surgery 5 or 6 times a day , for 3 -4 days.
    best of luck

  5. Liza Koehler - You can take light breakfast. You are not supposed to eat for 2 hours before surgery. It will be fine. You will not feel any pain during tooth extraction. Surgical tooth extraction will be done probably. After surgery, you can take yogurts and shakes and smoothies. You will have to follow the instructions of your dentist to avoid any infection and for faster healing to take place. For more info on tooth extraction aftercare, refer to... http://www.identalhub.com/article_do%27s-and-don%27ts-after-tooth-extraction-153.aspx

  6. arnie g - Just a heads up,you may not want them to give you a drug called Versed

    In fact, many people who use Versed for "conscious sedation" during a procedure are awake for the entire procedure but remember nothing, often believing they were "out" the whole time.

    Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is commonly administered in combination with anesthesia before and during surgery. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like colonoscopies dental procedures like extractions,conscience sedation so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort. However, that does not mean that those sensations will not be experienced.
