Friday, December 9, 2011

What Not To Eat On A Sugar Free Diet?

396545382 Obviously not sugar...but does this mean I also cant eat anything endinng in -ose and aspertame & stevia & splenda etc.?


  1. El Kapitan - That stuff is fine, but you can't eat carbohydrates, i.e. bread, pasta, etc.

  2. Frankie - That depends why and what you count as sugar. If you want to lose weight, yes. If you are diabetic, yes and more. Generally cut down on sweet, fried, processed, junk, and fast foods. Drink just water. That will get rid of most added sugar.

    Have lots of different fresh fruits and veggies with each meal and as snacks instead of things like chips, cookies, crackers, bars, etc. While fruit and veggies have natural sugar, it isn't as bad for you as refined (white) sugar, unless you are diabetic. Switch to whole grains for things like bread, cereal, pasta, and rice.
