Friday, December 9, 2011

Am I Sick Or Is This An Allergic Reaction?

396545383 I'm a chef, and on friday evening I served 103 prawn and salmon platters to a party of 115 (others not being able to eat fish). Usually i wear gloves doing this as my hands become itchy to the touch of prawns, I have also never eaten a prawn in my life including any other fish, we had ran out of gloves on friday so i had to dish up the starters without and immediately after my hands looked red/purple and itched like mad! I washed my hands and it was fine until i woke up on saturday morning with rashes on the insides of my elbow and across my collar bone, it looked like eczema, and i haven't felt good since saturday? in fact the rashes have nearly gone because of some cream i put on but i am beginning to feel very ill what do i do? and am i right to think this is all linked?

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