Friday, December 9, 2011

Question About Breast Cysts?

396545116 my mom was diagnose with two breast cyst. but i have cried and cried with her, we're so scared :(( she's 42. we're a very low iincome family, and i would like to know how much does is the surgery to remove these? how do breast cysts make you feel? have you had any experience? she already had a mamo done, ultrasound, physical exam. .. help me please :(((((


  1. april - You cried over a cyst?? She's fine and doesn't really even need surgery unless they are huge, oozing cysts causing much pain.
    You don't get surgery on a cyst. You get them drained.

  2. Bobby's Girl - Stop worrying they are only cysts. If they become bothersome the doctor will drain them.
