Friday, December 9, 2011

Help!! I Have Terrible Teeth And Need Braces? :c?

396545381 Im 14 years old male :P and come from a very low income family,and have no health insurance,I've never even had a physical and havent been to the docs in a few years...But anyways im here about my teeth..I have an overbite and a small gap,Not to mention i have 2 baby teeth still in me :c Are there any ways i can get braces really cheap,or any alternatives? :c God i hate my teeth lol


  1. high school senior - try looking into the state you live in for some insurance thats is low cost and that might pay some of the cost for the braces..

  2. marilyn B - The answer from high school senior has good points, also talk to your school councillor/schol nurse, whereby, they in talking with you can readily see your situation. Start with these answers. Best wishes
