Thursday, December 8, 2011

Information On Under-skin Bumps?

396545116 Hey. In the last few months, two strange bumps have appeared under my skin on either side of my hips, in similar but not identical positions where the pelvic area meets the legs. The one on the left consists of two smaller almost pea-shaped bumps, and the other seems to just closer to the skin and is longer than the other, albeit in one piece. I'm pretty worried about them, although I have not reacted thus far under the assumption that they are some kind of temporary muscular thing present in everybody, however they've recently started to get rather sore. Thank you in advance.
In response to the first answer, I am young (fifteen in a fortnight or so), however I'm male. The fact that it's on both sides lead me to believing that either it's something completely different or that it has spread around. I'm pretty nervous considering my local doctor also just happens to be the father of my ex as of a year, I want to be more certain first, but I've waited a few months first and I'm starting to get more concerned. Thanks for your help.


  1. angelic markings - If they are getting sore - get them checked.

    As they are on both sides it is not likely to be anything like cancer. Are you young? Female? Could be just puberty/growing of hips - though as I said, if it is sore (and obviously you are worried) get it checked by doctor.

  2. jackie m - I don't know what they are but I would think if it is anything serious you would only have it on one side before it progressed anywhere else, if it worries you then see the doctor, have you discussed this with a parent.?
