Thursday, December 8, 2011

Could I Be Allergic To Alcohol?

396545383 I am 20 years old. Though I don't drink often, I have been having small amounts of wine with my parents on family and religious occasions, and I occasionally have a few vodka or rum shots with my friends. Whenever I have had wine, even if it is just a sip - less than a shot - my face turns hot, and bright red and blotchy, and often my neck, shoulders, and occasionally upper back, chest and stomach get blotchy and red as well. I can feel my pulse really strong in my face. This has happened with other kinds of alcohol too (like rum and vodka). It always occurs within 5 minutes of taking a sip, and takes about 20 or so minutes to calm down. If I continue to drink after this, it doesn't usually get worse or happen again.

I tried to read up on this, but I could really only find this commonly among people from Asian countries, and I am totally of European descent.

I have no other reactions besides for the hot, blotchy red spots (hives?). I also have no other allergies.

Does this mean I am allergic to alcohol?
Also, I heard that it is worse to get hives on your neck because that means your throat is more likely to close, is this true?

And if I have never had any other reactions, is it dangerous for me to drink alcohol (in moderation, obviously)?

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