Thursday, December 8, 2011

Did I Pull/tear A Muscle In My Side?? Please Answer It Really Hurts Right Now..?

396545382 So, I started horseback riding a few weeks ago, and also I have to run in P.E. every day. Every week for awhile now, I've noticed a slight pain on the side of my hip, but it gradually has worsened. Today is the worst it has ever been. I've never broken a bone, but this is the most extreme physical pain I've ever felt. I can't even take 2 steps without having to sit down or limp the rest of my way. I can't even walk down stairs. Whenever I move I feel this horrible sharp pain that shoots throughout my side. I've pulled a muscle before, and this is way worse. I haven't ever torn a muscle, so could this be what I'm experiencing? Should I see a doctor?

1 comment:

  1. West Coast - You may have torn something
    When I played varsity basketball I tore my groin once
    Sounds similar

    Have you iced it yet?

    If it is pulled
    Ice it for 20 minutes
    Relax for 40 minuies
    Ice it again for 20 mins
    then if you can try icying as much as you can

    If it is Torn you will need to go to a doctor

    You gotta take a break and ice for a couple days to know for sure
