Wednesday, December 7, 2011

About Your Wisdom Teeth?

396545381 my daughter is getting 3 of her wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow but they wont put her to sleep they are just going to num her instead of putting her to sleep so how long would it take & how long would it take for her to heal
because a few years ago she had only one wisdom tooth out so now she has only three left she has to get out & they said they wont put her to seep i think because they are not in her cums still pus she has asthma


  1. iResearchStuff - why not all 4 and why is she not getting put to sleep for it? she is gonna wish she was asleep. it takes about a week for the pain to go away and about a month of care on the holes left behind.

  2. george 2 - depending on what and how they are going to do it it should take no more then an hour. if there is no complications after it should be pretty well healed in about a week. make sure you and your daughter follow the dentists instructions after the teeth are out and she will be fine.

  3. arnie g - Good thing she not being sedated read below...

    Just a heads up,you may not want them to give you a drug called Versed

    In fact, many people who use Versed for "conscious sedation" during a procedure are awake for the entire procedure but remember nothing, often believing they were "out" the whole time.

    Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is commonly administered in combination with anesthesia before and during surgery. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like colonoscopies dental procedures like extractions,conscience sedation so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort. However, that does not mean that those sensations will not be experienced.

  4. J Walker - They should at least give her some valum to calm her nerves; that's what they did for me.
