Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I Need To Cut Water Weight From 119 To 113 By 3:30 Tomorrow, Advice?

396545382 I need help cutting from 119lbs to 113lbs for wrestling weigh-ins tomorrow?

i have my first huge tournament for wrestling tomorrow and i certified at 113lbs so im wrestling 113lbs on varsity. i cant like, not wrestle because my coach already put me in that spot but i need to cut from 119 to 113 by tomorrow at 3:30. this is really important i have a sweat suit and pedilyte any other advice? i road my bike around the block for a half hour with the suit and a sweatshirt and sweat pants on then took a hot bath. what else can i do? i already know it isnt healthy but i just need to be 113 at 3:30 tomorrow then i can eat again. i dont want to hear answers not answering what i asked please. thanks!


  1. jeter43000 - sorry but I think you need more time

  2. Gandhi Mohan - There are only a few methods. But many of them will hurt you later on, sometimes to the point of the need of surgery.

    1. Follow the guy beneath me's advice (the one with the 2nd and 6th brown links on that website)

    2. Get a stomach clamp. It hurts like hell, but you won't eat that much and probably lose 1 pound.

    3. Don't eat. Although this will make you powerless tomorrow, I suggest taking a protein shake before the match (AT LEAST 1 Hour before) to get the energy for it.

    Finally, I suggest telling your coach. A varsity high school coach will not bend over backwards at a kid for gaining 6 pounds...tell him to re-register. If you are collegiate, then even still there shouldn't be major repercussions.

  3. Ash - I remember guys in high school not swallowing their spit. So, spit. Also diruetics, that make you pee and laxatives. Sure is tough being an athlete. Treat yourself well after you make weight and good luck.

  4. Natasha - run on the treadmill for 4 hours.. with the sweat suit.
    then you will lose the water weight..
