Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why Are My Hands Always Cold Even When It's Warm?

396545389 My hands always tend to get cold even when it's warm...and my finger nails get purple sometimes.
Why can this be???
When I am holding my girlfriends hand she always says my hands are cold even sometimes when we are outside in the sun.


  1. Eat chur breakfast please! - Circulation and thyroid.

    You must be weak in one of those areas.

  2. Kevin N - not enough blood in them

  3. Alice Wonderland - cold-blooded perhaps?

  4. magyk_wiz - Well, I have a similar condition as yours (although my hands don't go purple).
    But it could be caused due to a lack of blood circulation, or a weak one thereof.
    So basically, the blood isn't pumping through your fingers very well, instead it goes to other parts of the body.
    However there are several factors and possibilities so you might want to check with your doctor =/

    But good luck getting warm fingers =D

  5. electrifying - maybe your a vampire Jaun ? :O lol jokes.
    you might have bad blood circulation on your hands which makes your blood not reach your fingers/hands which results in cold hands.. you should get that checked out.. it might result in blood clots which can be dangerous.. see a doctor :)
    god bless

  6. PETA - I have raynaud's, I get very cold including my hands and feet. My hands will turn purple but they can also turn white and numb. I always have to have super hot water in my bath or shower or I feel like I am freezing. I always have to wear socks. I live in the midwest and I get cold very easily and have to wear winter boots that are made for 40 below weather or my feet numb up like frostbite. I love being in the hot sun when other people are burning in it. If I catch a chill even in a heated house then a finger or two will go purple or white in the house and numb even.
