Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why Am I Having Adrenaline Rushes?

396545385 Lately I've had slot of anxiety and if I dose off on the evening I will wake up from adrenaline rushes. It gives me a rapid heart rate and my blood pressure goes up and triggers a horrible bunch of anxiety and surrealism. I hate these feelings so how can I make them ho away? I started celexa but its not helping and on afraid to sleep.


  1. John - Theres a pill called inderal its a beta blocker. Look it up its pretty safe. What beta blockers do is lower your heart rate and give you a steady hand. Thats why pro golfer are not allowed to use it.

  2. gentle soul - Cold it be that you have a hormonal abnormality? The adrenal gland are part of hormonal regulation for the body Have you had a full work up or are your concerns being sidelined? The pituitary gland is the master hormone regulator, please use this web site for further info --
    As you see it can regulate the adrenal complex which is responsible for "adrenaline rushes" if not properly regulated. It can also increase your heart rate. This site explains a bit more. Celexa is an antidepressant I doubt it has any hormonal regulatory value. The Value of a second medical opinion is priceless. I wish you health and wellness.

  3. Sian-Lee - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.
