Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Manuka Honey Help! Any Suggestions On How To Take It?

396545389 Ive been suffering with moderate acne for about a year now and nothing has worked to get rid of it, Ive started putting manuka honey on my spots and it's helping but Id like to start eating/drinking it with something to get the most out of it. Do you have any suggestions how i can take it? I cant bear taking it on its own, and I had it mixed with warm water and drank it down in one and it was horrible.
"Real" medication hasnt worked, and doesnt work for quite alot of people i know..Clearly the manuka honey is doing the job better than "real" medication when me and alot of people I know have seen long lasting results by using it.


  1. onlytryingtohelp - department of quack remedies... how on earth will this work?

    try going to the doctor and asking for some real medication. The contraceptive pill sometimes helps.

  2. Joyfusions - Try the Manuka Honey Milk Shake that is being share in the following site.

    It taste amazing, flavour similar to vanilla.

  3. BeeMan - Hi Retsbol,

    It is great to hear that honey is helping you with your acne, but not so good to hear that you don't like the taste of it. Honey can be overly sweet to many people and it can also have a bitter aftertaste. You must please remember that unprocessed honey contains live enzymes so it's important not the put the honey in hot drinks if you want to retain the benefit of the enzymes.
    My favorite way to use raw, unprocessed Manuka honey is in a smoothie. Select some fresh fruits that are not over-ripe, so their sugar content is lower. That way the end result won't be too sweet. Berries are usually easy to find a little under-ripe. You can use things like gooseberries and even strawberries to flavor the smoothie, then use a natural yoghurt and a couple teaspoons of honey, and it's both delicious and healthy.
    Also, if you find that your acne persists, there's an even better solution than honey and it comes from the same place - propolis.
    Propolis is a substance extracted from the beehive just like honey, yet it's a potent anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent. You can take it as a supplement or apply it direct to the skin.
    There's a lot more information here
    Good luck!

  4. leggover - From plenty of research and lots of trial an error I believe acne is 75% and 25% skin care regime.

    Avoid dairy, refined carbohydrates, refined sugar and cut down on caffeine. Give it a month and im sure you will see an improvement. Easy way to do this is a low gi or low gl diet (but don't forget to avoid dairy).

    I have control of my horrible acne now and even get compliments sometimes. Been ages since I ate this bad foods so tested it the other day and guess what I have had the worst breakout in ages a week later.

    Also very important is to be sure to use a non-comedogenic moisturiser(will not clog pores), as this sits on your face all day. I use purely natural skin acne cleanser in the morning and an avene moisturiser twice a day. I like to only splash my face with water or have a shower in the morning.
