Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Is Best Way To Treat Eczema?

396545389 Ive had it for 2 months now, first in one of my finger in right hand, then it spreaded to the thumb and then onto small finger, now its spreading to all of the fingers and ive also noticed ive got it in one of the finger of left hand. it is basically spreading all over my hands, ive been using ointment for an hour twice daily.


  1. decembersky632 - ~Ive had eczema for about 2 and a half years now and i never found the perfect remedy until a few weeks ago!
    It started in the crease of my elbow and spread to my face, arms, neck, chest stomach and knees.
    the creams ive used recently have made it clear up for the first time in a long time and is keeping it at bay:

    For just your hands try:

    Betamethasone Valerate Cream- to clear it up completely- only use twice a day for two weeks.
    Double Base Gel to keep it down after using the cream above. you can get them both from your doctor or from Boots/other pharmacies. You can use Double Base Gel for anywhere on your body, it mousturises very well and can be used all the time.

    If you get it on your face- then get Hydrocortisone cream for that.

    These three creams hav been a Godsend.


  2. Bailey - For me natural treatment worked better than prescription medications. . I cleared my eczema with serenaskin herbal remedies in less than 2 weeks. They do not have side effects like steroid creams. Itching subsided after first application of ointment and spray, I felt a relief right away, and I also took eczema extract to prevent future flare ups. It has been several months ago and my skin is still clear.

  3. Chelsey - You know the best thing you can do (it doesn't cost anything) is to boil a pot of water (I'm not kidding) and wait until it cools off to about 100-102 degrees F. Put a rag in the pot and just gently put it over where it itches the most and I'm telling you the bumps will go away the more you get the hot water to go on it. I did that just now and I feel much better! I have eczema like you too and this is the best way I think because you don't have to go to all the trouble of spending a fortune on drugs that won't even get rid of them.

  4. Kelly - I dont have Eczema but until recently my daughter had been badly affected by Eczema. I tried lots of lotions on potions and although some of them worked to take the itch and moisturise the skin, none actually treated it. At the start of the year I got Aalgo from the internet and bathed her in it, and its the only one that actually treated it proper. Im sure with it just being on your hands you could easily do a hand bath in the sink only. Ive smelt better things than Aalgo but worth it.

    Good luck.

  5. Abigail Small - Hi, you can try one of the natural treatments for eczema from the Internet – some of them do work. For my eczema I use herbal cream by Champori quite successfully. It takes just a couple of weeks to clear the spots and they stay clear for months on end.
    Try it: champori comes with money back guarantee so if it doesn't work for you - it's free.

  6. Treevee - That's how it started with me! I thought I had gotten poison ivy on 2 fingers. Then, it went away after a month or so and came back a few months later only spreading to other fingers and then both hands. After years of trial and error and tons of research, I finally decided to do a detox diet with nothing but lots of fruits and salads. It's a tough road to eat only this, but it really works and I haven't had an outbreak in years! Of course, I stay away from dairy products (very bad for the system) and eat mostly a vegetarian diet.
