Thursday, December 8, 2011

What's A Good Workout Routine For A 14 Year Old Girl?

396545382 Alright, I'm 14, about 5'6? 5'7? I weigh 49 kilo, I'm considered thin but I'm kinda lanky. I've taken on extra sport, and do activities 6 days a week. Any ideas on how I can get fitter and stronger?


  1. Matt - if you're a girl, I would recommend doing exercises that revolve around muscle strength and endurance, and worry less about building mass. bodyweight exercises are good, plyometrics, if you're working with weights im not an expert but i believe a rep range of 1-6 for strength and 15+ for endurance is what you should aim for.

  2. Tony - And work outs for it core are good you can lift but don't try to put weights that r close to it limits the best way to get stronger is to make a possible goal for your self once UI get there make a higher goal and keep on there for legs do plyometrics leg press if u do that u will get more tone and try not to stress it causes eating problems which can ruin a lot.

  3. ny - Doing an effective whole body conditioning workout
    can be done entirely at home without any fancy equipment. A couple of
    dumbbells is all you will need. (Even if you don't have dumbbells
    there is usually something lying around the house that is heavy enough
    to substitute in for them).
    Here is a list of 20 exercises you can do right in your own home for
    a great whole body conditioning workout.


    Group 1:

    Bodyweight Squats
    Bulgarian Split Squats
    Prisoner Squat
    Reverse Lunge
    Step Ups
    One Leg "Get Ups"

    Group 2:

    Push Ups
    Push Up and Point
    Mountain Climbers
    Decline Push Ups
    Push Ups/Stick Ups
    Step Up and Press
    Squat and Press

    Group 3:

    Side Plank
    Curl and Press
    One Arm Rows
    Bird Dogs
    One Leg Deadlifts

    Pick one exercise from each group and do them all back to back for a
    mini circuit of 3 exercises. Do each exercise for a timed interval of
    10 seconds for a total of 30 seconds per mini circuit.
    As you get better at them work up to doing each exercise for 20
    seconds for a total of 60 seconds per mini circuit.
    Take 30-60 seconds rest between mini circuits.
    For beginners do a total of 3 mini circuits to start. Working up to 4
    or 5 as you get better at them.
    Once you're ready to move to the next level add a second mini circuit
    by choose 3 different exercises (one from each grouping). Do your
    second mini circuit with the same time of work to rest ratio as your
    If you feel you are already at an advanced level you can add one or
    two more mini circuits up to a total of 4 mini circuits. These 20
    exercises are just an example of what is possible, there are dozens
    more that would work in this mini circuit style, you can incorporate
    any exercise that you like into these mini circuits. This style of
    workout is a great complete whole body conditioning
    program you can do right at home in under 45 minutes.
