Thursday, December 8, 2011

Small Hematoma Under Big Toenail, And Another One Coming In On Other Toe?

396545389 I went to a podiatrist and dermatologist to get a spot under my toenail checked out that I noticed after removing nail polish a month ago. Both said it Didnt look serious but that it looked like dried blood. It is almost in the very corner on the side closest to my other toes (small little line). The derm shaved a little of it and found dried blood an said it was just a hematoma (phew!), but I've been more conscious about it lately and was giving myself a pedicure and decided to look closely at my other big toe and there is one coming in on that one too! It's def not as noticeable as when I first noticed the other one. Its under the toenail but it can be only be seen if you look up really close. It's not as big as the other one so it doesn't look as prominent. Almost like a small pencil mark but underneath. Is this just a coincidence?? I'm worried its going to end up like the other one and them find that it's not really a hematoma. Though I don't recall specific trauma to my toes, I'm always hurting myself but have never had anything like this come up in my 23 years of life till now.

1 comment:

  1. ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆ - Sammistar24,

    You have the luxury to see a podiatrist AND a dermatologist. If they told you it is not serious, then it is not serious. They both went to medical school for a reason. Why do you doubt them? If you are concern again, then you should visit one of them again. There are no doctors here. A real doctor is always better than a total random stranger.
