Thursday, December 8, 2011

Question Regarding My Bladder Problem.?

396545384 Okay where to start. This has been going on for at least 4-5 months. It always hurts to pass water, it doesn't burn, I get a sharp pain inside when I'm done. Sometimes I need to urinate very frequently, I'm talking every 20 minutes sometimes. And then sometimes I have a really strong urge to pee that is uncomfortable and kinda burns.

I had it checked out at a drop-in center, who tested my urine. They said it was normal and referred me to my GP where I had another urine test taken as well as 4 blood tests. Again, test results showed nothing unusual.

Also, the female doctor seemed worried when I told her I had not started my period yet, I'm 17, 18 in August. I doubt that'll be a factor.

I don't really know what to do. Sounds pathetic, but I have such a fear of someone wanting to examine me, "down there". I'd break down. But it's one of the worst things to go through.

My question is basically, what's wrong with me, and what should I do.
I should quickly say, I do not pass blood. My appetite is normal, I don't find myself thirsty more often, I'm sleeping okay, however I'm always woken at about 4-6am needing to pee. Every night. Health is normal.
Yes, sometimes I do need to pee more often.


  1. barbedwireribbons - All these symptoms point to an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). But it seems your doctor has tested for this...

    Do you feel like you need to pee almost all the time?

  2. A - I personally would go to the gynecologist they specialize in girl parts and if you are anxious about going just think that there could be something seriously wrong with you that might get worse if you don't go get it checked out. no period at 18 sounds like something serious.

  3. Anna Marie - You really should let some one examine you. I was examined for the first time a few months ago & it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Plus, if there is a problem, the longer it goes untreated, the worse it could become.
