Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rubbing Alcohol Compound, And Regular Rubbing Alcohol. Question?

396545389 Im wondering what the difference is between the two, the Compound says medicinal ingredient ethanol anhydrous. And says nothing about ispropyl alcohol on it, which if i recall is what is in the normal alcohol. Im pregnant so i just want to make sure what im using is okay, as i just noticed the difference between the two.

1 comment:

  1. A - The only difference is that the compound rubbing alcohol is ethanol anhydrous (meaning no water present, just the ethyl alcohol which is the same thing as ethanol), and regular rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alochol. Isopropyl alcohol, if you're using it for cleaning, is stronger in regards to killing bacteria and is easier on the skin; it's often used in hand sanitizers. But you can use either, even if you're pregnant. Just make sure you're not inhaling it or consuming it, as these actions can possibly harm your baby.
