Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Is It Possible I Have A Tumor On My Thyroid?

396545116 Last night I had a dizzy spell when about to fall asleep. This is not uncommon. I only thought it happened when I drank alcohol, because I take beta blockers.

For 3-4 years i've had problems with anxiety. I was a drug user. My main drugs of choice was DXM and Weed. I did them both for quite a long time in heavy doses.

One day, I have a bad trip on weed. It must have been laced.. anyways after that night i was never the same.. I started having really bad anxiety problems.. so my doctor put me on a beta blocker.

Well, I have to take medications at night or I can't sleep. And I have to take them all at once at a specific time each night or I can't sleep. If I wait, I will not be able to sleep for the rest of the night.

These dizzy spells only happen once i'm about to drift to sleep, then I have to sit up to stop it... and even if I sit up if I try to fall asleep, the dizzy spells happen.

Anyone know what is causing this? I looked ii up on the internet many times, it was until today that I actually found something that might be the cause. Something called Pheochromocytoma. Is this possible?

I mean.. i've been to the hospital many many times because of anxiety and because of this dizziness. Although that disease says nothing about dizziness, it does have all my other symptoms.

Can anyone give me some answers, please.


  1. thinkingtime - Didn't anyone tell you to stay off alcohol if you are on beta blockers?

  2. cbrdgt. - Have you gone to a doctor, specifically, an endocrinologist? M.E.N. is the usual cause of pheochromocytoma, and a blood test can be done to see if you have the gene.
