Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Am I Allergic To Gold Earrings?

396545383 I got my ears pierced when I was 8 at Claire's with a piercing gun. Three weeks after they were pierced, they got very infected (red, and swollen with pus) Because I was young, I forgot to keep on cleaning them at week 2. The earrings were made of cheap gold (probably had nickel in it). Infection was probably because I did not clean enough but I dunno.

But could I be allergic to gold? How long does it take for allergy symptoms to show up? 3 weeks seems too long, so I'm guessing the infection was from bacteria.

Anyways, so now i'm older and i just got them re-pierced the proper way; with a needle. And the current earrings are surgical steel this time. At 2 weeks and no problems so far. I'm cleaning it well this time around. I have some gold earrings I want to wear when piercings have healed but I'm worried.

If you have had a gold allergy experience, how long did it take for the symptoms to show?


  1. Abid - i dont think ur allergic to gold

  2. Bilbo - No (it would be unsual if you were) - the purity of gold can affect things though. Part of the appeal of gold is its lack of reactivity - but some cheap jewellry contains all sorts of base metal beneath plating, or as alloys. (I am with Henry James on this I find I can "withstand a great deal of gold").

  3. JUST ME - I am allergic to gold,have been all my life.
    Some of the pure gold I could wear for a few
    weeks,then I would start having a reaction like
    you described.
    I also found out from my son's dermatologist
    that all gold now
    has a trace amount of nickle in it.Even 24 kt.
    many also use a gold plating.When it starts to
    wear thin,the other metals come through

  4. Thornton - Ι think it is better seeing a doctor in person to answer this kind of questions.
